

Abrasion is caused when a hard surface or hard particles pass over a soft surface causing loss of material. Abrasive wear can be classified into two types namely two body abrasion and three body abrasion. In two body abrasion only two metal surfaces are in contact with the hard surface cutting or spalling the softer surface. In three body abrasion a third body damages one or both the sliding surfaces. This is usually due to grit or dirt getting in between the sliding interface.

Solution :

A hard material deposited through HP-HVOF or Plasma process having good adhesion with the base material will provide good resistance to abrasive wear. Few coatings suggested by us for applications involving Abrasive Wear are :

Material Category Material Code
Pure Metal - A06
Ceramic - B01
- B02
- B05X
Carbide - DC07
- DC08
- DC09


Erosive wear occurs when hard particles present in the flowing media strike the surface of component causing removal of material. The severity of wear is dependent on the hardness of particle, its velocity and angle of impact. Erosive wear usually occurs in applications such as Oil & Gas, Pumps & Valves, Power Generation etc.

Solution :

Hard material deposited through HP-HVOF process having good adhesion with base material will provide good resistance to low angle particulate attack. For high angle particulate attack, a metallurgic ally bonded material deposited by PTAW or Spray and Fuse process is preferred. Few coatings suggested by us for applications involving Erosive Wear are :

Material Category Material Code
Alloys & Metal Blend - C52
- C83X
- C85
- C92
Carbide - DC08
- DC09


Liquid is the medium that causes cavitation wear. It does not require a second surface; it requires only that high relative motion between the surface and liquid causing low pressure areas in the liquid. These low pressure areas create voids that collapse or implode near the metal surface causing severe wear. Cavitation wear usually occurs in applications such as Pumps & Valves, Hydro power etc.

Solution :

Cobalt based material having high toughness deposited through HP-HVOF process having good adhesion with base material will provide good resistance to cavitation wear. Few coatings suggested by us for applications involving Cavitation Wear are :

Material Category Material Code
Alloys & Metal Blend - C52
- C83X
- C85
- C92
Carbide - DC08
- DC09


Adhesive wear is a type of wear due to localized bonding between contacting solid surfaces leading to material transfer between two surfaces or loss from either surface. It usually happens when two parts slide over each other. The cause can be the material combination or similar hardness of both contact surfaces.

Solution :

A hard material deposited through HP-HVOF or Plasma process having good adhesion with the base material will provide good resistance to adhesive wear. Few coatings suggested by us for applications involving Abrasive Wear are :

Material Category Material Code
Pure Metal - A06
Ceramic - B01
- B02
- B05
Carbide - DC07

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